by MIO Hospital | Jul 21, 2019 | Blog
Dr.Suresh Rao Director MIO was the chief guest at the installation day of Rotary Club Mangalore Sunrise on 21st July 2019 at Ocean pearl. Dr.Rao spoke about the magnitude of cancer problems in India and tobacco-related deaths which are about 3500 per day. Mio will...
by MIO Hospital | Jul 18, 2019 | Blog
The birthday celebrations of a 12-year-old boy named Pavanakumara were held on 18th July 2019 at...
by MIO Hospital | Jul 7, 2019 | Blog
Sis.Dimple, Sis.Rubeena, Sis.Preetha, Bro.Chethan, Bro.Jinto, Bro.Harish P.K attended the talk on “Role of Vascular Access Devices in Solid Tumors and Hematology”, held on 7th July 2019 at IMA Hall Attavara Mangalore...
by MIO Hospital | Jul 5, 2019 | Blog
You are a ‘caregiver’.You may not think of yourself as a caregiver. You may see what you’re doing as something natural – taking care of someone you love. There are different types of caregivers. Some are family members, while others are friends. Every situation is...