Onco Dentistry
At MIO, Onco dentistry deals with the comprehensive oral health care plan for patients undergoing cancer treatment and managing treatment induced side effects and its complications. Oral prophylaxis and other oral rehabilitation protocols are delivered to all our patients. Additionally, our staff are experienced in dealing with and mitigating radiation and chemotherapy induced side effects on the oral mucosa.
Our faculty perform cancer screening programs along with oral biopsy, brush cytology and toluidine blue staining to detect oral cancer. During these screening procedures, doctors look for any signs of cancer or precancerous conditions in the patients’ mouth and then suggest histo- pathological tests to confirm the stage and extent of the disease. In addition to screening, emphasis is also on the treatment and management of oral side effects such as oral mucositis ( inflamed mucosa), xerostomia (dryness of the mouth), dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), infection, inability to eat, taste, swallow and speak, development of caries, trismus, tissue fibrosis and osteonecrosis, that may arise as a result of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and other immunosuppressive treatment.