On 5th January 2025, under the combined banner of Sahasa Mattu Samskruthi Academy, Shimoga, Shimoga District Working Journalist Association, and Mangaluru Institute of Oncology, a cancer awareness program was organized at MIO Thirthahalli for the general public and press members of the association.
Dr. Suresh Rao (Senior Oncologist and Director of MIO) addressed the public and said that cancer, when detected in its early stages by recognizing the early signs and then treated adequately, can be cured completely. He said globally, around 8 to 10 lakh patients are diagnosed with cancer every year. Due to changes in our lifestyle, food habits, and other addictive habits like gutka and alcohol, this disease is now more prevalent in the younger population and is increasing at an alarming rate. He also added that this hospital in Thirthahalli is adequately equipped to diagnose cancer and provide chemotherapy and surgical treatment to all cancer patients.
Mr. Ramesh Shetty (Taluk President, Kannada Sahitya Parishat, Thirthahalli), Mr. V.T. Arun (President, Shimoga Working Journalist Association), and A.N. Vijendra Rao were also present on this occasion.