Shimoga Sahasa Mattu Samskruthi Academy, Mathura Silver Jubilee Association and MIO Thirthahalli with Sagar Sharada mahila mandala, Sringeri matt together organized an awareness talk on 11/01/2025 at MIO Thirthahalli. Around 50 members of Sharada mahila mandali Sringeri matt took part in this program and were educated about self-breast examination by Dr. Bhavya K P, Consultant Surgeon MIO Hospital Thirthahalli. Dr. Bhavya demonstrated self-breast examination on mannequin and said it is the easiest method to detect breast carcinoma in early stage. This cancer is completely curable when detected in early stages. Social activist and chief of Sharada Mahila Mandali, Sringeri matt Mrs. Rajashri Ashwin Kumar also spoke and said she was grateful to be a part of this awareness program.